Leader Bio

Edouard Laba
I was born in Lome Togo on January 5, 1983, to animist parents who practiced polygamy. I am the second born of 10 children.
I came to know the Lord through repeated visits of evangelists to our house to bring the Gospel. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 16 and went through basic teachings of baptism to strengthen my faith. Then received baptism by immersion in 2000 at the Church of the New Generation of Lomé, Togo under the supervision of the Rev Pastors Davi Nyowu Philipp and Dzreke Sedoufia Kodjo Casmir.
The Lord gave me the grace to serve under these pastors and many others in our church and in the Council of Charismatic Ministries and Churches of Togo.
I served in my church as Interpreter, Youth President, Deacon and Assistant Pastor and then in the Council of Charismatic Ministries and Churches as National Youth President for several years.
I have my Bachelor's degree in Political Sociology and Communication and a Higher Technician's Certificate in Transit Customs Marketing, and a degree in theology.
Before I left Togo for Niger in 2011, I was convinced of the calling God placed on my life in 2006 as God spoke to me audibly through verses 10; 18 and 19 of Jeremiah chapter 1 :
10: “See I have appointed you this day over the nations and kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plan
18: "Now behold, I have made you today like a fortified city and like an iron pillar and like bronze walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against its priest, and against the people of the land (giving you divine strength which no hostile power can overcome)”
19: “They will fight against you, but they will not prevail over you, for I am with you (always) to protect you and deliver you, SAYS THE LORD”
In Niger I joined the Pentecost Source of Life Church where I was a consecrated Elder. I started a house meeting in the village of Goudel and once it became a church, I was ordained as Pastor and served for four years.
Today I am, by the grace of God, the founder of the Church of the International Ministry of the New Birth of Niger (CITY OF FAITH). We founded the church on April 4, 2018, and obtained the government authorization to exercise on March 7, 2019. I was ordained as Rev Pastor in December 2020. So far, we planted one church in the capital City of Niamey, three churches affiliated to us in the village of Makolondji and we’re in the process of planting a new one in the community of Dantchandou.
I married Jeanne AGBODAN, a Togolese woman on October 12, 2013, and we have 3 beautiful girls, Eunice-Cindy 7 years old; Othniella - Amy 4 years old and Audrey-Nancy 2 years old.
I was connected to Reach Out Youth Solutions through Roger Cabe, Vision Outreach International Executive Director as I was working with him preparing his team to go to Niger. Barry St. Clair introduced me to Randy Riggins. Excited to open the country of Niger for Reach Out, Randy connected me to Obadiah Ogosi, the Africa Director of the Ministry. We, together, held our first Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry (JFYM) form in Niger in 2021. Then later that year we held two more JFYM forums without Obadiah. We can’t wait to go to different regions of Niger to reach young people for Christ.
Contact Edouard: edouardlaba@linkniger.com