
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him,
he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Since 1976 when Barry St. Clair founded Reach Out Youth Solutions, the Lord has created and sustained an abiding in Christ, fruit-bearing ministry through Reach Out Youth Solutions that spans 30+ countries. Reach Out equips and multiples leaders globally who influence the younger generation to follow Jesus.

Fruit – A Glance Back

What fruit has God produced?

    • 1970s – Discipled Teens: Over 500,000 teens challenged to follow Jesus at Super Summer camps since 1972
    • 1980s – Equipped Youth Leaders: Over 25,000 youth leaders equipped in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry (JFYM) with more than twenty books written to resource them
    • 1990s – Expanded to Eastern Europe and Russia: Over 5,000 youth leaders trained in Ukraine, with a 91% increase of leaders and 313% growth among teens
    • 2000s – Multiplied to over 30 countries: For example, in East Africa – equipped 7,715 leaders with 591,000 teenagers reached through 442 Eagle Leaders* in 13 countries
    • 2010s - Significant growth continued:  The Moving Toward Maturity 6-book series was completed in Spanish and Russian.  More JFYM training Forums and evangelistic opportunities in schools were conducted during this decade than any previous decade in Reach Out's existence.  As a result of God's continued favor on Reach Out, there have been a total of 100,000 youth leaders trained, 1,000 Eagle Leaders (leaders of leaders) trained, and over 1 million young people reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

*Eagle Leaders implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, and then mentor others to do the same. Through this process, Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry multiplies.

And now...as we continue into the 2020s, growth continues to occur with...
    • 30 + countries equipping younger generation leaders in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    • A JFYM online training experience in four languages is launching in May of 2021 that will exponentially expand the training the JFYM book, power point and trainer’s kit will continue to provide.
    • 127 resources created from 65 books, CDs and DVDs with 13 resources translated into 22 languages
    • A new robust website that enhances equipping nationally and internationally
    • 636 current Eagle Leaders who mentor others—73 nationally and 563 internationally
    • Ministries experiencing up to 90% growth in leaders & 300% growth in students after implementing JFYM
    • Parent Fuel resources and training available for parents and churches
    • Invitations from Nigeria, China, and India to begin JYFM training in their countries in 2021. 
    • An invitation from the Church of Russia for us to begin training youth leaders in 1,600 of their churches nationwide.
Much More Fruit – A Glimpse into the Future
    • The Lord has prepared us to bear even more fruit (John 15:2) in the next 10 years than He has in the last 40 years combined!

        • 30 new countries served
        • 100,000 leaders equipped
        • 2,000,000 teens reached and discipled
      We envision the Fruit-bearer working through Reach Out to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20)