Leader Bio

Timothy Philemon
I was born into a family of mixed Christians and Muslims and married Fifi as my only wife, and God blessed us with five children. I came to the Lord in 1988 after hearing the word of God several times while I was a Christian by name only. But one day after a long time of meditation I decided to go to the church and gave my life to Jesus by confession and repentance.
Once I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I joined a Bible school where I grew in Bible knowledge, Christian Leadership, Covenants, Christian Personal Life, how to reach unreached people, and other courses.
In 1999, I started a cell church with a few people in Zanzibar and the number is growing each day by the Grace of God. But the situation in general is not good due to financial problems. We are not worshiping God in peace due to people throwing stones on the roof of the hall where we meet, and many other challenges. Our worship was stopped in that hall four months ago, because the hall belongs to a Moslem. He kicked us out. We moved to another house where we are serving Jesus Christ underground, because if they know we worship inside the house they will kick my family and me out.
I am a Tanzanian, experienced in various types of church leadership. I have considerable knowledge and experience in facilitating training and implementing projects. I am a skilled team worker, familiar with working under stress, keeping deadlines, and providing reports to stakeholders.
I am a pastor serving a church among the 95% Moslems-who believe Jesus is good man, a prophet, and a teacher, but not God or God’s son.
In 2012, I submitted my application to Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry (JFYM). My application was given a positive response from JFYM. I continued communicating with Dr. Charles Juma via e-mail with the purpose of seeing how to conduct the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry (JFYM) teachings in Zanzibar.
In 2012 Dr. Juma came to Zanzibar to conduct a 3-day training of JFYM, which was organized by pastors and youth leaders from different churches in Zanzibar. Later, Dr. Charles Juma and other African JFYM leaders came to Zanzibar to train leaders, teaching them to be trainers ready to spread the JFYM program along with those who have successfully been trained by me.
Since then, I have been using the JFYM strategy to train pastors and youth leaders in the distant parts of Zanzibar. They not only carry this out in their churches, but also produce other JFYM Leaders in other churches. JFYM has been a great help to pastors and youth leaders in Zanzibar. Through the teachings of JFYM I have improved my personal service. It also gives me opportunities to multiply Leaders.
Email Address: timothywp@live.com
Cell Numbers: +255 713 412-749 / +255 763-819-115